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soup beans and ham

ok... seriously, these werent quite right the first time, but i'll give them another taste after having a day to blend.

1.5 lb dry beans, soaked for 8 hours (should've gone a full 24)
0.5 lb ham steaks, cubed.
garlic powder (our garlic disappeared in the move?)
1/2 medium onion, finely chopped
black pepper

Seriously, this is how simple soup beans and ham should be. However, due to constraints on time and money, I did not follow the traditional ham-hock recipe. And, I didn't give the beans a full day to soak, and you could tell.

I did boil the soup for a little over an hour, as instructed. However, some of the beans were still tough, and there were complaints that the flavors hadn't blended. But, if you mixed in some extra ground black pepper and some cornbread, it was rather nice.

MW and Nala and I finished off half a pot, followed by pumpkin pie, and served with fine pumpkin ale, under the magnolias in our back yard. A fine, fun evening was had by all.

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