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Server reinstalls...

What can't I find? C*ld Fusi*n original disks. Found the backups. Nor can I find that little slip of paper that goes with it. You know, the one you need.

Methinks we've been schnookered by a previous employee. You know, the one nicknamed Cl*sterf*ck.

Oh, Cl*sterf*ck, how you will rot in Hell. With Hellspawn, no doubt.

Oh wait, today Hellspawn said something nice. Really nice. Wonderful even. And ALL of BusOps heard her. Maybe the old girl aint such a cancer after all. It was in our Ethics workshop this morning... she asked about the Other Cancer, hereforth referred to as OC, and his shady business deals with his puppet company which he is lying to her about. Boy was she pissed. And happy to find out she CAN do something about him.