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madness, i tell you

Did you hear about the congressman from Ohio who wasted time changing the menus in restaurants at the House of Representatives to offer "Freedom Fries" and "Freedom Toast" to show his (and other Republicans') displeasure with the French?

You didn't? Surely you jest. Get thee to a news agency and type in a search for "French fries".

What you will see is an asshat from MY HOMETOWN wasting time and money. I didn't like him then and I don't like him now. And his wife is a bitch. I had classes with her in college.

This just in from another alum:

When I have a salad, I often like it smothered in "Freedom" dressing, with a loaf of "Freedom" bread on the side.

After the meal, I get horny, and ask my wife to dress up in the "Freedom" maid outfit. We begin with a "Freedom" kiss.

After the romantic interlude, I watch old videotapes of my all-time hero, basketball superstar, Larry Bird, who hails from "Freedom" Lick, Indiana.

And if Belgium isn't our side, then dammit, we'll eat only "Freedom" waffles.


Sorry, couldn't resist getting extra nasty up there...but i know you like it!
When i heard that on the news, i laughed out loud. Our government is fucking retarded!
Freedom Fries!!! Freedom Toast!!!
How about "FreedomFries. Or "FreedomToast". Yummy, i'll take the freedom toast with extra blood, and some blown out brains on the side instead of cantaloupe.

That was just totally edited! Are you pulling some big brother sheit on me?!!
I said, and i quote:
"Freedom-only if you're a rich white dude-Fries" and
"Freedom-to get your head blown off if your a black or latino in Iraq if you're btwn the ages of 18 and 30-toast"
The man is watching, and EDITING!
OR!!! i just realized that there was some freaky HTML stuff going on! I used some brackets to but in the middle part.

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