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May the Force be With You

Yet another of my friends is off to war. Yes, it's their job. Do what the bossman says. Bossman says "Go get me some oil fields", then they do it. Much less glamourous than defending our shores or even defending some small country from oppression and ethnic cleansing. That's not to say Mr. Hussein isnt evil, and I don't disagree with removing his regime. It's the way this war has been portrayed as something other than what it is. Last time, people said it was for oil, but it really could be justified as a police action. And we had allies. We had the UN on our side. This time, who really IS on our side? A bunch of folks we paid off? Nice.

On some completely unrelated notes, Nala comes home late tonight, and then I'm off to Athens in the morning for a web developers conference. Mmm Baker Center in Spring. Sitting outside sipping iced mochas watching all the eye candy pass by. Of course, this is spring break, so the hotties might all be still on vacation. But, ah, the memories.

The TiVo of much anticipation is due to arrive today... I only hope I'm home to greet it when it comes. FedEx is a little more unpredictible than UPS when it comes to delivering in our neighborhood. UPS is almost always between 3 and 5. FedEx is almost anytime.

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