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Emotional Effing Overload

I have had the most shitty week ever at work. E V E R. Things just arent going my way outside of work, either. And, I talked to the doc today, and he says I'm going to just have to let this thing with my ears run its course.

Do you realize I almost quit my job yesterday? Yes, literally. I almost walked into my boss's boss's office and said "F your reports, F this place, F Hellspawn, and F you, I quit."

I was all prepped and ready. The thing was, I didnt have a backup plan.

So, I bit the bullet.

Things got better today, after the initial hell of being put on the spot regarding something I know nothing about by someone I hate in some other office, and then trying to fix it.

I actually got to leave on time. My professor was nice enough to waive her rule of 1/3 total grade level off for missing a guest speaker.

To top it all off, Nala says he found a house, (albeit an expensive one in an up-and-coming neighborhood), and my friend Jay made a guest appearance unexpectedly.

My vertigo is back again.

My nerves have been on edge all week thanks to work stress.

Nala announced finding a perfect (and expensive) house.

I literally don't know how to feel.

Scared as fuck? Yeah, that would describe it.

I don't know what's what anymore.

I could lose my job. I could go insane.

We could afford it, maybe. What if the neighborhood fizzles? What if we end up losing money instead of breaking even. What if I lose my job? How are we going to live when our housing payment goes up $500? How're the utility payments?

So many questions. All I know is I'm on the edge of madness. Too many variables on top of too much stress.

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