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exciting times

I left the house this morning thinking "what a great day!"

We'll see how that holds up. I need to call my doctor, and get a refill on the guaifenex. I need to pick that up with a refill on my zithromax.

I need to talk to my trainer and tell him to postpone my last 2 sessions till after the move.

I need to talk to our realtor and find out how to arrange an inspection, and then call the inspectors. We have 14 days to get an inspection, and our realtor said since we agreed to give the girls 14 days, we should wait at least a few days, to let them schedule theirs, so we'll know for sure that they're moving.

I need to talk to our mortgage guy about my credit clean-up. Talked to Andy and to the creditors, and within 48 hours, my credit should be much better. I'm leaving now to go pay these 3 and fax requests for confirmation letters on the other two. According to him, I have plenty of time, since the suitable housing clause was in the contract. Which means, I'm going back to work and not going to worry any more today, and leisurely fax my requests.

I need to read 3 chapters for tomorrow's class, and take some photos at Pete's.

Is there anything I'm forgetting? I don't think so.

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