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Friday Five, 4/18

It's a celebrity Friday Five.

1. Who is your favorite celebrity?

Erm... if I had to pick one, maybe Jon Stewart or Dave Attell. I can't think of many funny, down-to-earth celebs.

2. Who is your least favorite?

Including politicians as celebs, I'd say Dubya.

3. Have you ever met or seen any celebrities in real life?

Sure, who hasn't at lease seen one on stage. Or backstage. I met Poe (Annie Danielewski) and her brother, author Mark Danielewski at a party once. Well, that's the second time I met her. I have a great respect for anyone who learns an music on their own, and especially one who learns to professionally edit the music on their own on their home computer. I've met Neil Armstrong, Douglas Applegate and Bob Ney. (politicians. the last is the Freedom Fries idiot.) I met David Newell once at the radio station. I met Janet Fielding at a Doctor Who convention in 1988. That's about it.

4. Would you want to be famous? Why or why not?

Nope. I like my fair amount of anonymity.

5. If you had to trade places with a celebrity for a day, who would you choose and why?

??? Didn't I say I liked anonymity?

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