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PromoGuy 3:15

It's another Monday.

1. Are there any illnesses that you seem more susceptible to than others?

I got strep a lot when I was young. Then in high school, I got bronchitis about every year. I get a really bad "cold" of some kind about once a year, and I have allergies, too. Currently, fighting a sinus problem.

2. What are your favorite boy and girl names? What names do you think are trendy or overused?

I've always liked Keturah Elohe for a girl and Jakob for a boy. Matt and Mindy and Amanda are all overused names. Jennifer too. Currently, Kaitlyn (and all variations) are overused. Names which sound like they come from soap operas need to go, too.

3. Any current songs on the radio (or elsewhere) that you think are pure crap? Why don't you like it?

Just about anything Top40 needs to die.

4. Can you (now or in your youth) play any musical instruments? Do you still play?

I played first-chair saxophone in every band my schools had for 8 years, and then recreationally for a few years in college. Then, one of my youth group kids broke the sax while I was in the other room... It needs $200 in repairs and has been sitting in my parents' house for the last few years.

5. What is the most recent self-improvement program (fitness, weight loss, learning something new) that you began? Did you stick with it? Why or why not?

I've been going to a personal trainer for the last 20 months. I'm going to give it up because all I can do now is barely maintain what I have, and I don't have the money if I'm buying a house.

6. How would you look in a Hooters uniform?


7. Have you ever had a dream where you interacted with a celebrity (sex or otherwise)? What happened?

I was talkin to Oprah. But hey, I was on new meds and had a fever to boot.

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