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Well, the stress from work is subsiding and the stress from school is increasing.

I talked to my folks this morning, and they're doing ok, gearing up for the Florida housebuying trip.

Dad gave me lots of advice on househunting. I took notes.

Then, when I got off the phone with him, I looked up both my parents' and Nala's parents' houses on their respective auditor's sites. My parents' house has "no heat" according to the county, and according to State Farm. Since they heat with baseboard electric heaters, and a wood stove, State Farm wouldn't even insure them. No heat.

No heat? Good lord. It roasts you.

I admit, I see the logic. Sort of.

Ok, I have to go take a pill now, so I can get to sleep and then tomorrow round up my paperwork to take to the mortgage guy when I meet with him at 3:30.

Oh... it's going to be a fun week.

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