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I don't know why I like it.
I kept repeating that over and over.
I couldn't sleep.

Sure, I liked the livability of the most expensive places we looked at. But, I was somehow drawn to the 1920s bankruptcy house.

The space? Could that be it?
It certainly wasnt the decor. Or the "curb appeal".
The potential was there.

It comes down to I'm scared. Sort of the same way I got scared while looking at cars. I don't want to be left behind renting for the rest of my life.

I want a house with the potential to be my home. The size to be comfortable. The potential for a profit on resale.

Maybe I need that second look to convince myself it's a bad idea. That usually seems to work.

But what if it doesn't this time?

Maybe Nala needs to play my part in this one. Be the discourager. Who am I kidding. That would imply he gives a damn about this house, which he doesn't, so I should just drop it anyway. The point is moot.

The point is moot.

I keep telling myself that, but I have this still, soft whispering in my head repeating "what if".


Now I didn't exactly say I didn't give a damn about this place.

I just don't think that it is worth more than $90,000 or so.

I'd gladly make an offer of 90,000 to see if they bite.

$108,500 is about 75% of what they're asking.
$102,750 is about 75% of what it's appraised at for taxes.
$86,175 is 75% of what she paid in Aug. 1997.
$90,000 would be about 78.5% what she paid.

Throw the number out there, see if they bite...contingent on the inspection, etc.

I thought "#1" while reading through your entry, too.

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