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Yesterday was hump day?

I've had vertigo for almost 3 weeks now.

Walking into walls is my new thing. I went off the vertigo meds on Monday. It's worse now than ever. I had a fever this weekend and Monday. I have a sore throat today. I have a doctor's appointment at 10:45.

Now, isnt this a great way to start the quarter?

Oh, and I need to get an MLA handbook. I thought I had one somewhere, but I can't find it. Been a long time since I had to write a paper. Now I have to write at least 5.

Much love to Annalisa for volunteering to be my interviewee for one of them.

Had dinner with Dave and MaryBeth last night. Mmm, Greek chicken sandwich at Easy Street. They're always fun to spend time with. I would link them, but I can't find Dave's site.

Then, after we got home and were watching the new South Park episode, we find out OhioJay had "the talk" with his parents. Or rather they had the talk with him. I ended up calling him to hear the story, but there really wasn't much to say, and he was still in shock. Congrats, Jay, on having (seemingly) cool parents!

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