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Well, many thanks go to our friends Vijay and the Lieutenant for helping us move or remove a bunch of stuff from the apartment in Vijay's truck. We got a lot of the miscellany moved, and a truckload to Goodwill. We also got Nala's half of the office moved. Hooray!

Nala took the day off from work today, and I imagine, after he gets a new tire, will probably continue cleaning the old place. I still have some things to box up (cables, mostly), and 3 computers and a monitor. And a 4x6 rug. And some shelving. That's all, though. Really.

Oh my god, we're almost done!!!!!!!!!!

This link from Ernie makes me laugh, because I've heard them all before in my own experience... aside from maybe the unicorn one. Most recently:

Me: "Ok, if you could draw up a rough outline of what you want on the site (sections, maybe some rough copy, etc) and I'll start getting some ideas together."
Client: "Sure, great! This is going to be great!"

(three weeks pass)

Client: "How's the site coming along?"
Me: "Well, I haven't received anything from you yet. All I know is that you want a website, but you have given me no idea as to what you want in it or what you might want it to look like."
Client: "Ok, yeah, I'll get on that right now and send it ASAP."

(two [months] later and still nothing)

Client: "How's the site coming along?"
Me: ["Still Waiting!"]
Client: ["Oh yeah, we'll get right back to you!"]

[Three months later...]

Client: "Hey, remember that site we contracted you to do? Well, since you haven't started on it, we decided to take our money elsewhere for the design and let you do the backend work."
Me: "Oh really? You can't do that! We're part of the same company, and you're obligated."
Client: "Oh, ok. Well, we'll get back to you on that stuff you needed."

Another month passes...

Client: "Hey, when are we going to be able to look at that new website?"
Me: "You really don't get it, do you?"
Client: "?"
Me: "Get me the content you promised me in October! It's now mid June! You were the ones who said you needed the new site by last Christmas!
Client: "Don't get angry with me! You still havent finished the site!"
Me: (under breath) "F*cking wankers. Maybe if you were at work more than 10 hours a week you would be able to do your f*cking jobs."
Me: "Like I said before, (and frequently, I might add), phase 1 will be completed three months after you get me content and a rough idea of what you want visually. I will not start work before then. Call me when you have something.

Another month gone...

Me: "Where's my content?"
Client: (no answer)

A couple more weeks...

Me: "Where's my content?"
Client: (no answer)

The last two weeks... daily...

Me: "Where's my content?"
Client: (no answer)
Me: "Where's my content?"
Client: (no answer)
Me: "Where's my content?"
Client: (no answer)
Me: "Where's my content?"
Client: (no answer)
Me: "Where's my content?"
Client: (no answer)
Me: "Where's my content?"
Client: (no answer)

I give up. Somehow it will all be my fault anyway.

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