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more intact

Well, I did some kitchen reorganizing last night and this morning, and Nala put together the breakfast table, which fits perfectly into the space. I've found a whole entire other shelf in the cupboards on which to put things (which still have yet to be unboxed). Dishwasher is running another load every few hours. Need to do laundry -- can't find work shirts or pants. (Didn't I just wash them?) Need to get feet for washer! (Apartment washer, has been on casters for 6 years, now on pedestal, can't be rolling.) Cookout tonight, RSVP at the house number if you want us to be sure and get it.

This evening is a "please for god's sake let's move some stuff to the proper room so we aren't tripping over it" night. Tomorrow is another "move the office from the apartment to the house, and finish cleaning" night.

I will be so glad when we get our lives back!

Oh, and thanks to the fabulous Ms. Jen for the new rug and lamp, which of course go fabulously with our stuff. And for the paint chips. Happy Housewarming to us!

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