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i kid, i kid

I joke a lot about my NOT being a hick. But, I am the proud son of a redneck. My dad once told me there was no shame in being a redneck, because a redneck is not a hillbilly, a yokel, or white trash. A redneck is just a person from the country. Now, I know this may not be book definition, but it's what I grew up with.

So, by my dad's definition, I grew up a poor redneck. And yes, I grew up Christian, although we did not go to church. Some people would say I'm damned to hell just for that, but that's not where I'm headed.

Dubya, or the President Select, as some like to call him, has got it in his head that an AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION needs to happen. A constitutional BAN on gay marriage. Why? Because it doesn't fit with his beliefs, and he's so close with God that he knows what's good for us. All of us.

I'm so angry I could vomit.

I know a lot of people wish Bush would meet some terrible end, but I don't. It wouldn't solve any problems. I wish his one of his daughters would come out as a lesbian. "Daddy, I'm a dyke."

And not just a dyke. A radical communist dyke. Problem is, I know no girls who would want her (well, either of them. there are two, right?). No guys, either, for that matter. But it serves my imagination well.

Thanks to Nala, I've started to look bigger picture on a lot of things. See trends in a global scheme. Over centuries.

Bush says gay marriage would destroy the family. Perhaps he hasnt seen it disintegrating over time on its own. How many times are people getting married? How few years does a marriage last? What reasons are there, aside from taxes and insurance, to get married?

And hasnt anyone addressed the issue of overpopulation? Oh wait. We're living in the 80s. Consume! Consume! Consume! Have 10 kids you cant pay for. Credit is our god! WOoHOo! Good times!

The fleecing of America. I think NBC needs to revive that documentary.


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» domestic partnerships and marriage: a proposal from juicy bits
there's been, and understandably so, a great deal of hubbub in the blog community and on the general net as well as the rest of the popular media about the subject of "gay marriage". after the recent supreme court decision,... [Read More]


i don't know, matt. i mean, they're no gore girls, but isn't one of the bush girls kinda hot?

Well, I swear I remember reading somewhere that in a speech somewhere Bush said that God told him to go after Iraq. And who are we to question anyone who says that God told them to commit some violent act? But aren't those people usually in a mental institution somewhere? Hey, maybe the 'Son of Sam' really was hearing God through that dog.

As I was telling OhioJay this evening, I went to a lecture about sex at church yesterday and the guy ruled. He (a Catholic) gave a sound, theological reason as to why homosexuality was not a sin as it is "life-giving" and that definition should not have to incorporate an embryo. Of course, that theory isn't going to trickle up to the leadership anytime soon. But maybe if there's more like him then we'll all be looking at a different God in 50 years (or at least he'll look a lot more like my version of him to many more people).

boy you took the words right out of my mouth. i've tried to turn the other cheek about all this gay marriage/union lark plastered all over the media lately. i guess the pope got a wild hair up his ass again to make a deal about it. and hayseed dubya hadda put in his two cents. pity, he's only digging his grave deeper.

come next election i'm happy to put him in it. he's about as useless as "the pope's testicle department".

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