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Well, on top of the wedding festivities this weekend, I got to check in with my friend Ray and his bf Bill. Nothing new, really, which is good, I suppose, when things could be much much worse.

Then, I got a call from my friend Christy, who now lives in Akron, by way of Steubenville, St. Clairsville, Akron and New Orleans. Her long-term on-again off-again boyfriend dumped her, and she's been dating her long-term roommate for the last 6 or 7 months. Why'd she come back? Long story short, roommate conflict, and no place else to stay while she looked for work. Her first apartment out of state lasted only a couple weeks. Sad, really. She's not in the best health now, either, being diabetic along with some other troubles. That really sucks, being that she's also one of the best cooks I know, having a degree in Culinary Arts. Now she has to be all conscious of nutrition, too. What fun is that?

Thirdly, I got a message on Friendster from my cousin Simon in Washington state, including pictures of his cabin, his animals, and news that he still has no running water. (But he has electricity and Internet access!) I'll put a couple photos up later tonight.

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