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big daddy and the little runts

ok, ok... this isn't a post about the transformer big daddy.


this is a post about the scale and design differences between the Bandai Teen Titans line and the Mattel JLU line.

first of all, let me say that the JLU Green Arrow and the TT Speedy look enough alike to not look bad together. the hair color is different, (and expected, if it's Roy and not Connor) and the paint on GA is matte while Speedy is glossy, but overall, Speedy looks like he almost belongs in the JLUniverse.

However... TT Aqualad and JLU Aquaman may as well have been from two different worlds. Not only are they painted with different finishes and different skin tone, but Lad has a round head with beady eyes. (Which may change in a new mold, if you believe the card-backs.) His style looks nothing like that of his older namesake, and yes, I realize they're two different folks, not related. But even the scale looks odd. Moreso that the GA/Speedy combo.

And you can guess (correctly) that's why I didnt compare Bats and TT Robin. Robin is so horribly deformed compared to his Batman Animated counterpart that to compare the two would only have you wondering if Larry had existed in the Bat/JLU Animated world, would he be TT Robin?


But one day... Big Daddy will be mine!!! Oh yes!!!

I like the long-haired/80s Aquaman-costumed Garth as opposed to his curly-haired comics version.

I *am* Big Daddy.

"Yay!! We're DNA buddies!!"

I agree: Speedy/GL make a reasonably good-looking pair. Aquaman and Aqualad are totally incongruous.

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