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weird. f'ckin weird.

So I'm tired, my blood sugar is low, and I'm walking, frustrated through a Target at Polaris around 8:00. I've grabbed a soda and some naproxen, and I'm just about to swap the soda for a diet one when....


Um. I'm at friggin Target in the friggin boonies (so to speak). Who the hell is yelling at me?

I look up and it's my ex-fiancee's college roommate, Stephanie. Working at Target. The girl still looks fine. It took me a second to realize it was her, and for my brain to come back through its wandering.

We talked for what seemed like forever in the checkout line (her line was closed, but she rung me out anyway). Small talk. Her boyfriend had died, and she had tried to get ahold of everyone who knew him, but had lost touch. And then the inevitable "Have you heard from Jenny?" -- er, no.

So, then we caught up about what we knew last about Jenny and her whereabouts, which was pretty much nothing. And then, other mutual friends. Apparently, one of the guys we used to hang out with is now here in Columbus, and just quit working at TRU.

She asked about my ex, Stephen, and his next bf, Donny. I told her they were still together, married, and living in Massachusetts. I have to email Stephen today to catch him up.

Has anybody from your past ever come out of nowhere like that? I was just thinking about her the other day when I heard some old hiphop on the radio.


Well, last year after not having seen a friend from high school (in Missouri even) since he graduated in 1975 (he graduated a year before me) he became my current boss at OSU! Now that was sorta wierd! And his folks are still friends with my folks!

Yeah, you have everybody beat on "weird" reunions.

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