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snapshot of anticipation

according to the USPS, my camera should arrive from California today or tomorrow. It would be nice to have it at ComFest this weekend, and that's what I'm hoping for. our alumni group is trying to informally meet up at the park, maybe see a couple bands and drink a couple beers together.

the other thing that's going on this weekend, that parade and all associated events, doesnt interest me, aside from the freakfest it usually is. i was asked to drive my truck for a group in the parade, but i declined. please, the freaks i drive for would only ride in the DooDah parade, and that's not till July. (yet another camera-heavy event!)

and, btw, i've already seen the cnet reviews of the sidekick 3, thanks. i'm still hoping amazon will do one of those deep rebate deals eventually, since i really do want one to replace my aging csk. maybe i could even get rid of my other phone at that point. who am i kidding -- i still NEED analog coverage, and finding even a regular phone for that is difficult. yes, that's right, there are some areas which still dont have digital. a lot of places in maine and ohio, in fact, barely have analog coverage.

biting the bullet and getting a new laptop and new phone is in my future, i know it. lets just hope i have the time to research what i really want, and that i can afford it when the time comes.

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