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maine or bust

so, i made the decision this weekend that i would talk to the TA of my history class, explain that I had vacation planned 3 months ago, and that I'll be missing one day of class, see what his reaction is, and then base my trip on that.

i talked to my mom and she and my dad seemed ok with going, still, and with leaving the night of the 10th. this would maximize the actual time ON vacation, and makes the trip more worthwhile. i would still prefer NOT to be on their timetable and at their whim when it comes to going places, or leaving places, but without driving separately, which would suck for both of us, i'm stuck. especially since plane tickets went up $100 in one week.

this is my chance to meet a bunch more of my mom's cousins, which is exciting.

now, one other reason for going is to avoid my high school reunion, which i just got an invite for. i'd been emailing for months trying to find out when it was, and they end up sending the invite 2 weeks before. Sorry, no. I'd rather just hang with Ms. KC and Bones here in Cowtown than miss a family get together and drive 2 hours to see folks.

again, talked with my mom about it. she says they dont really get fun until 15 and 20 anyway. this one's 15 for me, and without advanced notice, it'd be rushed and crazy, and it just seems to pale in comparison to getting to spend some quality time with my parents and extended family.

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