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not much happening

class still kinda sucks. lots of lecturing, but yesterday we watched a history channel special instead of having lecture. of course, it was with the lights completely out, so nobody could take notes. and, she's not making up the lecture. this is the worst, since she teaches from the lecture, not the book (which she declared optional). so, nobody has aztec notes. hooray.

of course, today, she ran long again and ended up dropping a slide. smoke was coming directly off everyone's notepads as we all struggled to write as fast as she was talking. important stuff, though.

someone asked when we would get our papers back since she doesnt post grades online and nobody knows their grades, and it counts for 20% of our total grade. 20%! she's giving them back tomorrow. they were due on the 3rd, which means, in any other class, it would've been 3 weeks ago. meaning, it's way too late to drop. next thursday, a week from tomorrow, is the final exam, and the final paper is due.

word to the ignorant fools who think they want to take this class in summer? don't.

on a different topic, i've noticed in a lot of photos, i'm tugging at my left ear. it's a habit i picked up over 3 months when my ear was first pierced back in 1996... which i still have a hefty amount of scar tissue from, 10 years later. the chick pierced it wrong, and i had lots of problems for something that is so incredibly routine a procedure. now i have a discolored lump in my earlobe. i touch it constantly, as i did just now, almost instinctively expecting something to have changed. it's an irritation. i sometimes think about getting it pierced again professionally with a larger gauge so it won't be just some blind, uncontrollable fascination with my own ear -- at least there would be something there. it's almost like my brain expects something to be there, but it's not. ever. and. it's. so. goddamned. annoying.

i remember after it finally started to heal, my parents came to visit unexpectedly -- my dad would've never approved, and my mom got to my door first. while my dad was unloading the supplies from their car, i greeted my mom at the door. she pushed me from one end of my flat to the other, into my bedroom, and said "take it out. i dont care that you did it, just take it out, so your dad doesnt throw a fit. if he sees it, he'll go off, and i dont want to deal with it." -- so i did. it was still tender, and i'll bet it was red. my mom ended up making sure i was ALWAYS seated to my dad's left, so he didnt see it. when he finally caught a glance, i dispelled it as nothing more than a blemish, and that was the end of that.

my goddamn ear

they came to visit every weekend, and eventually i ended up just letting my hole close over. by the time i started a real career, it was completely gone. all except the lump which now haunts me every waking moment.

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