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primuses, and batman

so, yesterday, I gave a tip to another local collector about a certain figure he'd been seeking. it was in a part of town where most of us don't frequent, and Nala and I had found them by chance, and so, knowing he'd been jonesing, I sent him word of the sighting.

today, i checked his livejournal to see this:

Today Graham and I got Primuses with Unicron heads, thanks to a tip from one of my favorite people. (Of course Matt's one of my favorite people. He got me Primuses.

Good toy karma. I will be sure to share the love if I see any more on my infrequent travels to the forgotten parts of the Cowlands. (and those of you who didnt tell me you were looking for them? um. sorry?)

UPS tried to deliver my new 3-pack JLU goodness yesterday, 20 minutes before Nala got home. And of course, they need a signature. *sigh* Maybe today...

And, btw, check out this picture of Willis and a guy in an animated Batman costume. Who thinks to do an animated style costume?

Thank goodness I also got one of those Batman t-shirts of his, too. Looks like they're in short supply.

And, of course, one more thing, while I'm ranting... Check out this fairly representative photo of Mattel's JLU lineup. All collectors know they're topheavy and/or ankle-weak, and sometimes they have one leg longer than the other, but if you're showing off your wares, you can't be bothered to somehow invisibly glue your figures upright? WTF, Mattel?! POSTER PUTTY? You have sunken to new levels of apathy. I thought bringing unfinished figures to a con was bad. I thought bringing sloppily handpainted figures to a con was bad. But now, admitting there's a major defect in your figures (aside from scale and crappy paint applications?) and presenting them with globs of rubbery crap on their feet?


That pic of Mr. Willis and Batman has Asa in the back.

Or so I think.

So *that's* where Asa's been! hanging out in San Diego!

And apparently, even poster putty can't keep Mattel's figures upright. Wow, that's some first-class work. Spared no expense, did they.

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