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I went back to work around 7 and stayed till 11:30, but still didnt get everything done.

I got home, tried to sleep but couldn't. Then the storms came. Coworkers said they came much earlier, but I didn't hear the howling wind till 12:30. It was scaring the cats. Chester was needy, much more so than usual.

The paranoia that I have, coupled with the sounds outside, the humidifier, the snoring, and the need for sleep, compounded itself and made me unable to sleep at all.

Then, at 1:30ish, the phone rang, just as I was starting to finally drift off. "Dave?" the voice asked. "No. You have the wrong number," I said. "Are you sure?" he queried. I can't remember what I said in reply, or if I just threw the phone down defeated.

Are you sure? It's my phone, asshole, and it's been my phone for the past 7 years, and there's no Dave here.

A few minutes later, Chester was needy again, and I heard what sounded like a cat screaming, so I had to go downstairs and check on Sieg, who was needy, too, but didnt want anything to do with upstairs. He just was shaken up, and needed attention. Hoont, however, never got out of bed. I swear sometimes that dog can sleep through anything.

So, I imagine I finally got to sleep around 2. And I get up at 5:30ish, usually. Today, I killed both alarms and set another one for 6:30. I made myself late for work, and it's a very groggy day so far, but I'm here.

Tonight, I've gotta pick up the pieces of the trees that are now laying in our yard, and think again about calling the city for tree removal. And then come back to work, again.

Gotta get the project done so I can sleep again.

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