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Well, I've completed a hearty attempt at cleaning up my credit report, and I should be receiving letters within the next couple days which will remove a great many debts from my credit report.

The listings were as follows:
Chase $2064 Paid 3/14/2000, Req'd Letter 4/30/2003
Arrow Financial/Bank One $559 Rec'd PIF Ltr 4/30/03
Arrow Financial/Bank One $399 Cancelled out
Simm Associates/Bank One $325 Cancelled out
GECS/Bank One $294 Cancelled out
Anderson Financial/Verizon/GTE $391 Paid 12/14/01, Won't write letter
Anderson Financial/Verizon/GTE $391 Same as above
RMA/AEP $291 Paid and Req'd Ltr 4/28/03
Martel/AEP $291 Cancelled out
Alltel/360 Communications $277
Alliance One/Columbia Gas $195 Rec'd PIF Letter 4/30/03
Marlin IT/Pizza Hut $74

I was a very very poor student at one point, who got stuck paying rent on a 2br by himself. And lost a job or two. Yeah. I made choices which weren't in line with thinking ahead to bad "what if" scenarios.

The Pizza Hut bounced check credit thing messes me up. I gotta figure that one out. The other is from a cell phone bill, now owned by Sprint.


Yeah, I've done the solo two-bedroom apartment thing. Totally blows. Boring and expensive - bad combo.

Yeah. Plus I had 2 roommates who turned out to be deadbeat jerks.

The first one never paid rent because he either drank or snorted it all. And he was living off his mom's money. So, one day, when he went to get groceries he left his wallet out. I wrote down his home address, looked his mom up via the telephone company, and gave her a call. Once she found out the rent and utility company wasn't going for rent or utilities, she drove up, loaded her van with his stuff, and paid me a check for his time there... such a nice lady.

The second one lost his job and just quit paying. I knew I shouldve called INS on his ass. Long story short, he got us evicted, and used a stolen credit card number to pay his debts to the landlord.

How did I find these people???

We must have had the same roommate! I wondered what happened to him.

Which one?

I still hear about the first one from my best friend (his ex). Apparently, he likes to show up on best friend's doorstep asking for a place to stay while in town.

The second one appears every so often when I'm at the grocery or at the bars. I still hold a grudge and it's difficult for me to see him and not want to get physically violent. Maybe I should call INS on him. Maybe he's a terrorist.

He most certainly wasnt in the country legally 6 years ago.

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