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Cranky Decorators

I've been thinking a great deal about our new place, on the nights when I can't seem to fall back asleep, and the how to decorate and where to put everything and all that crap. I think I've got the "where to put everything" part all done. But, decorating is another thing altogether.

Thankfully, our soon-to-be home is livable quite as it is. Sure, there's work that could be done to make it more "ours", but it's definitely not in the near future.

That makes me very happy, especially when I read about Cranky and her new place. All the comments make me glad I'm not picking colors for anything yet.

Last night, we went over to the Popkorn house and talked to Pam about her recent redecorations and renovations, and let her know the good news about us. Well, after several years, she had actually gotten around to patching the hardwood floor and painting the walls in her living room. It looked to be a very pale green, and for green, it was very very muted and friendly. Usually, the greens I've seen are very bright or very dark, or a combination of the two. Her next room to paint was their parlor/dining room, for which she was considering a dark steely grey or a medium-to-dark purplish blue. So many choices.

If it were me, I couldn't do it.

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