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One thing I cannot stand is corporate literature with misspellings, grammar mistakes, and use of homophones. I'd be classified as homophonophobic, I guess, but I really can't stand when someone uses the wrong one.

For instance, I see this ALL the time, working with the print industry.

Business Stationary: letterhead, envelopes, and business cards.

"What is wrong?", you might ask. Well, the business isn't moving.

StationAry is when something is stAying in one place. StationEry is something you can write on with a pEn.

And if you're a printer, or anyone who deals with printed materials, you ought to know this and use it.

Every blessed email I get from one of our vendors has it misspelled. One more reason not to do business with them in my opinion.

Yet another pet peeve.


You're quiet right.

i think jay above meant to say, "your vary write," or maybe, "your quiet riot."

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