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Ok, I'll admit it, I'm not very conservative when it comes to my beliefs, politically or otherwise. In fact, you might say I don't really fit with any one group which could be labelled.

Through my nearly 30 years, I've befriended quite a few people of various backgrounds and beliefs, usually because of some common thread in our lives, and most of us have still remained friendly, if not in touch, over the years, despite changes in beliefs.

My point is, people change. Some of my current circle of friends are Christian, some are Buddhist, and most are not really anything. All have an education. But, sadly, this "war" has split us... not because of the war itself, but the differing 'big picture' views.

I don't speak to those people anymore. I can't. I won't put myself through the anger and stress of justifying my own beliefs, and the facts which they ignore despite being smacked in the face with them daily.

Americans have become complacent. They believe what their government tells them. They find ways to believe the hype, because it's delivered by a government who claims to have a higher power on their side.

Wait... isn't that also... nevermind.

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