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Houses Houses Everywhere


You're probably going to get sick of us talking about all the houses we've seen, but this one in particular stands out.

It needs a LOT of work. Thankfully, the plumbing will already be done, and the roof. It's a double lot. Brick, 3 storey, new windows throughout. 2 car detached block garage. Walk-in basement.

Gutted. Needs $5000 in drywall and drywall supplies. I'm assuming $15k for a porch on the front, deck on the back. Assuming you would want hardwood or Pergo floors throughout, that's $11k without installation or underlayment (Pergo pricing). Privacy fence would be roughly $1k, not counting concrete to set the posts into. My estimate for stairwell and jut-out: $20k, incl. labor.

Now we're at $56k.

Decorative soffit replacement: ??? This is assuming that the roof would be finished. Don't forget appliances and furnace, a/c, water heater, fixtures... And kitchen...(Granted, Ikea kitchens could run $3-5k).

Now, here's the rub. Something that Nala doesn't know. The guy and gal who own the place are currently being sued. I imagine he's trying to sell this one for money he's going to need in that suit.

Like I said, for $100k, maybe. It could be a showplace. Thankfully, half the work is already done.

I was going to link you into the county website to show the lots, and the photo from last May, but decided not to.

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