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Monday Mission 3.14

This week's Mission sucks.

1. Would you rather impress or influence others? Why? Which do you tend to do more than the other?

I tend to do neither. And I don't see much of a point in impressing people other than myself. At least outside of work.

2. Are you able to admit your weaknesses to others? How do you handle your weaknesses (Can you accept them and see them as a strength? (Do you strive to overcome them? etc.)

Sure I can admit them. I strive to better myself, but ultimately dont change much. I'm a lazy ass... a self-perpetuating weakness.

3. How do you react when you are bossed around, treated as inferior or taken advantage of?

Hm. Not too well, actually. I try to be diplomatic in my life, in the way I interact with others who I don't feel are doing things the right way, but it doesn't matter much. They all hate me the same.

4. Do you live your life to meet your own needs, or do you live to meet the needs of others? Why?

Huh? My own, mostly. I try my best to help those close to me, too

5. This is your Mission on Mondays, but what is your mission in life?

To annoy and to serve.

6. Can you focus on your goals and achieve them, or are you sidetracked by minor distractions along the way?

My goals are so lofty there are zillions of distractions along the way.

7. When was the last time you cried? What were you feeling at that moment (anger, sadness, etc.)?

Hm. Stress. A few months ago, I guess.

BONUS: Who can it be knocking at my door?

Go 'way, don't come 'round here no more.

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