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Weddings... and stuff

Well, I've narrowed my weddings down to 4. I think.

Two still haven't set dates, one of those will probably be next year. Another is just too far (Baltimore).

That leaves 4. One in Chicago, one in Toledo, and two on the same weekend here in Cowtown. And they're all this summer. Three in June, one in August.

I just don't have enough money right now to go to all 7 anyway, so it works out well. Sending gifts and cards is a lot cheaper than hand delivering them, and truthfully, it's not like you get to spend time with the couple anyway.

In an unrelated thought, here's a question... why is it that web developers like me often have shitty websites? And why is it that people that work with printers every day and have access to print shops still print 72-dpi graphics on their home inkjet instead of spending $0.49 per page and doing it on a proper color laser copier, and redesigning the graphic (when it's JUST TEXT) at a higher resolution? Or asking someone with know-how for help?



so who you talking about here?

and redesigning the graphic (when it's JUST TEXT) at a higher resolution? Or asking someone with know-how for help?
anyone i know? dish! dish!

Nobody you know, but someone who might actually read this... so, no names. It's something I see with people at work, too, at least weekly.

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