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Ok, so last night was full of dreams. I actually woke up at 1:40 thinking it was 5am, and then couldn't get back to sleep for a LONG time. But when I did, man, was my sleep chock full of dreams.

The one I remember was perhaps the strangest and most disturbing... Preston, Danny, and I were living in a one-room house, somewhere overseas, with grass and trees, and people who didn't speak English. They looked Mediterranean or Middle-Eastern. Anyway, we were living there, and apparently had only been there a short while. We hadn't learned the language completely, but were fairly good at communicating. Thankfully, a couple younger guys (teenagers, really) spoke English. Come to think of it, I don't remember seeing any women in this dream. Anyway, there was a tension between us and our neighbors, since we were foreigners.

Then I found out why. Air raid sirens went off, and we all started scrambling. This apparently was the first strike since we lived there, since we really didn't know what to do. Danny went out the front door, Preston and I out the back, and the neighbors with their big, old, rusty pickup were hauling all of us to the bomb shelter. Guess who was bombing them? You guessed it. Americans.

We were riding across the "town" if you could call it that, to the bomb shelter, across yards, over small hills, anywhere to get us there the fastest. Bumpy ride. As we watched the skies turn black with smoke from all the bombs dropping around us, everyone in the truck was silent. One of the English speakers said "Don't worry, this happens all the time."

To see someone be so relaxed about it was quite a shock. We watched the planes continue to drop bombs all around us in the surrounding area. And then out of nowhere, just as we were getting to the shelter, it all went black. Lots of screaming, and I felt myself falling, almost as if slow-motion. A LOT like when I had vertigo.

My mind scrambled to wake me up from it, and I could feel my own heart racing as I tried to get out of that dream. I did, eventually, but it was the pull of that last scene that seemed far too real.

Perhaps no more war documentaries and Rotolo's pizza before bedtime.

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