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Most definitely a Monday.

And, as I tend to avoid discussions about religion (or lack thereof), I would normally avoid the Monday Mission today, but what the hell...

1.What is the difference between spirituality and religion?

As usual, I'm not answering because if I do, it may trigger what could be seen as anti-(stereotypical)-Christian rage.

2. What is the difference between someone listening to what you say and hearing what you say?

Listening requires paying attention.

3. What's the difference between a Father, and a Daddy?

You know what? These sound like the kind of dumb-ass questions taken from junior high and high school Sunday School curricula. I should know - I taught for 3 years. I'm not answering.

4. What's the difference between being married and living together?

A piece of paper which gives you legal rights, unless you count commonlaw as marriage, which avoids the piece of paper entirely, but isn't recognized by insurance.

5. What's the difference between growing up and growing old?

6. What's the difference between getting what you want and getting what you need?

7. What's the difference between punishment and discipline?

Indeed too much Sunday School here. I'm done.

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