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desperate neighbors

So, I was curious about the street for Desperate Housewives and the houses that appear there...

And I found this link which lists the neighbors and where they live.

But something seems off.

"Mystery neighbor" next to Gabi? Wasnt that the family with the little girl who caught Gabi with the gardener? (and who Gabi bought a bicycle to get her to keep quiet?)

And there's another old busybody who fits in there somewhere... not Mrs. Huber, but built similarly and older. She's appeared in a commercial or two lately.

Useless info.

And this nice quote: (from here)

Stage and backlot space also becomes at a premium, and we have a location-dependent show in Desperate Housewives, almost all of which takes place on one street. We look at every suburb within 30 miles of LA, before realising that even if we can keep a neighbourhood sweet for 13 days of shooting for a pilot, including eight all-nighters, it would be impossible to go back for a series.
Finally, we settle on a bizarre street on the Universal backlot, a forgotten cul-de-sac on the tram tour, where old movie houses are brought to die. Thus, the Desperate Housewives now live in homes formerly occupied by James Stewart and his invisible rabbit friend, the Munsters and the cast of Leave It to Beaver.
Seven hundred thousand dollars of refurbishment later, including lawn mowers, bicycles and food mixers straight out of the Sears catalogue, as well as an inordinate amount of silk wisteria at 10 bucks a stem, Wisteria Lane is ready to roll.
The shoot moves smoothly and surprisingly enjoyably. After cruising round suburbs at the weekend for inspiration, I realise that the only details of real life that are missing from the backlot seem to be squirrels and crows, so each day begins with a petulant cry, "Where are the squirrels?" (On the last day of the shoot, producer Michael Edelstein turns up on set in a six-foot squirrel costume.)


Last Sunday's episode was the best of the season. "George! Do you have an erection?!"

Nice to see Alfre Woodard joining the show. Can't wait to see how she fits into the storyline.

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