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my day of WTF technology

so, 10.4 fall down go boom kill partition.
reinstall 10.4, software updater gets 10.4.1.
machine still needs apps reinstalled. which SUCKS.

sitting here glancing at sidekick, which hasnt seen the network since i turned it on this morning. i didnt really care, but 3 hours later, when it still wasnt seeing the network, i got pissed. called tmobile, whose website wouldnt let me pay my bill the last few days. now bill is "past due" - i paid, they said it wouldnt affect credit till saturday, then they had me soft-reset the device, which then still didnt find the network. ARGH.

so, they then transferred me to the sidekick network group, tier 1. while on hold, the bastard device decided to find the network. i still bitched, and then was offered a "$20 value" of more minutes. "I dont use it for a phone -- i only use data" I said, peevedly, "which makes it that much of an inconvenience when it cant see the network!" -- so, their other credit option was to give me $5 credit, which was the smallest increment they could, for network problems. then, i had them drop my plan down to data only (with $0.20/minute for occasional phone use) which saves me $10/month. I just got documentation yesterday that my insurance for the phone has changed... gone up $2/month, and now requires a $110 deductible. That's right-- $84/yr and $110 if you need it. WTF. I might as well buy a new one.

ARGH. It's not even lunchtime yet.

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